
All I've wanted to eat lately

All I've wanted to eat lately is


(Ok, I know that's not surprising)

and this

with this

(my favorite yogurt)

and for dessert:

(suicide bowl of Kashi Cereal)


A Valentines Days Special

Today I have so much to be thankful for! I don't wish for anything to be different in my life - I love it just the way that it is - God is teaching me how to be content in every situation - to not wish myself on to the next season of life but FULLY engage ALL that He has for me in THIS season and soak in my life right now, just as it is

I have an incredible family and relationship with them
I am part of a church who loves God and pursues all that He has for us
I already have a great group of friends in Dallas
I am still connected with my friends in Nashville - my second home!
Waking up to a quiet home, and spending as much time with God as I want w/o interruption (depending on how early I wake up ;) )
Not have to be responsible for anyone else but myself
Being able to travel
Being able to fully give my all to my job
I am part of an amazing Life Group of people who pursue God and love Him with their whole heart
Being a nomad on the weekends and sleeping on friends couches so I don't have to drive back to Desoto (huge blessing and so fun to have sleepovers)
Not having to study
Freedom of working at home and in my pjs if I so desire
LOVE my job
Working with amazing people
Meeting incredible people
Training for marathons

The list goes on and on… but in case you didn't notice, i'm SPOILED! and I thank God for it all! Thank you God for the many blessings in my life. Happy Valentines Day!


Snow Day!

Yesterday Dallas got what might be the most snow it has ever seen. It started snowing around 2:00am Thursday morning and didn't stop until about 7:00pm. I had the second best run of my life yesterday, treading through about 6-8 inches of snow. The neighborhood has never looked so beautiful.

Do you know what one of my favorite things is about snow? When you are the first person to put a footprint on the sidewalk. Actually, there was so much snow yesterday that you couldn't tell where the sidewalk was as opposed to the grass, which made it even better. I probably ran through most peoples' yards rather than on the sidewalk. It was like I was 8 years old. I was grinning from ear to ear on my little three mile run. Let me just say, though, that it was a lot of work to run in. I had my soloman's on, which helped tremendously (p.s. i forget how incredible those shoes are for trail running). Put it's somewhat like running through the sand… you just have to work extra hard with each step.

Anyway, I had a blast playing in the snow by myself. I wish I would have had someone to enjoy it with, but alas, it was a relaxing night and I probably need some time alone anyway.

This morning, there are about 3 huge branches in the driveway, and in my neighbors driveway as well. I don't think I will be going anywhere today. The snow is packed in tight as everything froze over night. I guess I'll have to drink coffee and sit by the fireplace and work today. BUMMER! =)
(me taking a retarded picture of myself after my run)


You Know You Are Old When…..

1. You wake up every night because you have to go to the bathroom

2. You can't tell how old anyone is anymore; college students look like they are 10; and you keep saying that 30s are the new 40s

3. You like to go to bed at 9:30

4. A relaxing day is sitting in a coffee shop reading a book, or reading a book at home

5. You'd rather get presents for decorating your home than clothes

6. You blog and use Twitter


Meet My Bosses

We FINALLY captured Jerry on camera. Jerry likes to stay behind the scenes, but Priscilla managed to get a few sentences out of him on our flip.

Yesterday we finished the video taping and were talking, while we were waiting on the cameras, inside the car because it was freezing and raining outside, about how each of us are so different, but yet none of yesterday could not have happened without all of us being there, using the different gifts God has given us. If we weren't aware of them, or comfortable with them, then it would be pointless.

So anyway, check out this short video. (P.S. I guest posted today)

Ticia is hilarious, isn't she? My favorite part, though, is when Jerry chimes in. That's the boss man (Priscilla is boss #2 of course). You finally get to meet him!

Hope you have a great day!



Can you tell that things have been back in full swing? These past two weeks have been full, but they have been so much fun! Have I told you lately that I love my job? I feel like I need to remind you of that at least once a week =) You… meaning the 5 people that will actually read this.

These past two days we have been shooting a short film for our Going Beyond events this year. Have you ever seen the Nooma videos with Rob Bell? They will be sort of similar to those, except better ;)

Priscilla is SO incredibly gifted on camera.. she is such a natural, so it made these past two days so much fun. She is a trooper. It, of course, has been nasty weather the two days we decided to film, and every other day this week is supposed to be clear. But, have no fear, the guys did an amazing job and I CANNOT wait to see what the videos will turn out to look like. Seriously, it's going to be amazing. I can see many more videos in our future….

Check out the blog from today to meet the team and see a little bit of what occured yesterday. I took everyone to my all time favorite coffee shop (Pearl Cup of course) after we were finished. I've been wanting Priscilla and Jerry to go there for forever, so they finally saw one of my hang out spots. Hope you enjoy!