* There's nothing you can do in the last week to improve your race time but there are a thousand things you can do that will hurt your time.
* In the last two weeks before your race, don't run more miles in a single day than the number of days remaining before your race.
* Don't worry that no one is running when the cannon goes off. You've got a chip and your time doesn't start until you cross the start mat.
* Don't let your excitement trap you into running too fast for the first few miles.
* Don't double lace your shoes, just tie the knot tightly and tuck in the lace ends.
* Stay off your feet as much as possible the day before the race.
* Don't run in new shoes.
* Drink water throughout the day before the race.
* Secure your race number and chip the night before the race.
* Get one hour extra of sleep each night the week before the race.
* You won't sleep well the night before the race. Don't worry, it's ok.
* Take warm clothes for the start (throw aways) and the finish.
* If your race is in a different time zone, remember that your morning routine will still be on Central time.
* Being nervous at the start is normal. Everyone around you is nervous even though they may not show it.
* Take toilet paper with you to the start.
* Pack the bag you're taking to the start the night before.
* Get to the start early. Sit down or lie down and rest.
* Avoid stepping in puddles.
* Wear in the race what you wore in your long runs.
* Set two alarm clocks.
* Fill in emergency information on the back of your bib.
* Clip your toenails.
* Take a large garbage bag to wear at the start if cold or wet.
* Don't get a massage in the five days before your race.
* Sip, don't gulp, water on the course.
* Take one gu (or whatever you're use to) just before the race and one each hour during the race.
* Only drink water with your gu (or whatever), not a sports drink.
* Don't eat red meat for several days prior to the race.
* Don't lace your shoes too tightly, your feet will swell during the race.
* Eat carbs on race morning, not fats.
* Don't eat spicy foods the day before the race.
* Drink 2 to 4 ounces of water every 20 minutes.
* If there's a head wind, draft behind someone running your pace.
* Run the tangents on turns but stay away from the very inside of turns because they tend to be too crowded.
* Everybody hurts after 20 miles; it's not just you.
* Take a bottle of water with you to the start.
* Don't wear earphones, listen to the crowd cheer for you.
* It's ok to cry at the finish.
* If your first name isn't displayed prominently on your bib, write in on duct tape and wear it on the front of your shirt.
The crowd will know to call your name when they cheer you on.
* If it's humid, accept the fact that your time will be slower.
* Don't forget to savor the moment. You're doing something you'll remember the rest of your life.